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Tax Credits for New Air Conditioning and Heating Units, Up to $500!

Tax Credits for New Air Conditioning and Heating Units, Up to $500!

We realize many of our costumers are in need to understand about the Tax Credit for installing more energy efficient air conditioning and heating units in their homes and offices. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, includes a tax credit available for homeowners that make their homes more energy efficient. High efficiency air conditioning and heating are one of those efficiency improvements. You can receive a credit of 30% of the cost up to a maximum credit of $500

A professional contractor like us, Air 4 Seasons Air Conditioning & Heating must install the air conditioning units.

There are certain energy efficiency requirements tied to the tax credit. Air conditioning systems must have a 16 SEER rating and a 13 SEER rating and/or 95% AFUE efficiency furnace. Not all equipment meets these requirements. The tax credit is good between January 2011 and December 2011. This tax credit is available even if you participated in prior energy efficiency programs (i.e. 2006 energy efficiency tax credit).

You should also be aware that the $500 limit applies to many types of energy efficient home improvements, including windows and doors, roofing shingles, and insulation. Therefore, you have to decide what improvement would make the largest impact for your homes efficiency. Yet even without the tax credit, the savings on your utility bill can be as much as 50% with new high efficiency equipment. In fact, in many cases your utility savings can pay the cost of the equipment installation.

We have included frequently asked questions about the program. However, you should consult with a professional to determine your specific situation.

Frequently Ask Questions About 2011 Federal Residential Energy Tax Credit

If I claimed $500 in tax credits in 2006 or 2007 under the previous tax credit program, am I still eligible?

Yes. The new law removes the lifetime caps so you are eligible.

When and how do I claim the tax credit?

Claiming the tax credit is easy you only need to file a simple IRS 5695 form with your tax return. Speak with your tax adviser. The manufacturer of the equipment will provide a certificate you should keep on file.

Can I claim $500 in tax credits for improvements made in 2010 and again for improvements made in 2011?

No. You can only claim a total of $500 in tax credits for improvements made in the combined two-year period of 2010 and 2011.

Can a homeowner use the entire $500 limit as a credit toward the installation of one appliance?

Yes. A homeowner may use the entire $500 in tax credits for installing a single appliance, such as a qualified furnace, air conditioner, heat pump, or hot water heater.

What happens if the 30% of the installed costs is less than $500?

The homeowner can “bank” the remaining available tax credit for other qualified improvements. Any single installation that costs more than $5000 will instantly reach the $500 limit.

Does the tax credit apply to the cost of the equipment or equipment plus labor?

The tax credit applies to the installed costs of the qualified equipment, which includes labor.

What’s the difference between a tax credit and a tax deduction?

As a tax credit applies against the taxpayers’ liability. A tax deduction applies against a taxpayer’s income, lowering the adjusted gross income and possibly moving the taxpayer to a lower tax bracket. Tax credits have a greater benefit to a taxpayer.

Can a homeowner claim the credit for improvements to a second home?

No. The tax credit is only available for improvement to the taxpayer’s primary residence.

Does the homeowner who lives in a modular home or mobile home qualify?

Yes. As long as the improvements meet the qualifying criteria and the homeowners' primary residence they may claim the tax credit.

What other types of energy efficiency improvements qualify for the tax credits?

Homeowners may be able to qualify for the tax credits if they make qualified improvements to windows and doors including skylights, storm windows and storm doors; roofing including metal and asphalt roofs; and insulation. All of these improvements qualify if they meet certain minimum standard, but homeowner may only claim $500 in total for any improvements.

Does a heat pump need to meet the minimum each of the minimums to qualify or just one?

Heat pumps must meet each of the minimum standards listed above to qualify for the tax credits.

Does this apply to equipment installed in new homes?

No. The tax credit can only be claimed by taxpayers for improvements to existing homes.

Does this replace the Department of Energy or Energy Star program?

These tax credits are from the same program, but it has been modified and expanded. The same program that allowed taxpayers to claim up to $500 in tax credit in 2006 and 2007, and part of 2009. The differences are the tax credit limit is higher and the per-appliance caps have been removed.

Do ductless mini-splits meeting the HSPF criteria qualify for the tax credit?

Yes, as long as they meet or exceed the minimum qualifications for split air-conditioners (16 SEER and 13 EER) or split heat pumps (8.5 HSPF, 15 SEER, and 12.5 EER).

What if the homeowner installs a furnace that meets the 95% AFUE standard but an central air conditioner below the standard? Can they still claim the full $500?

The homeowners can claim 30% of the final installation costs up to $500 associated specifically with the 95% AFUE furnace will qualify for the credit. Should the installation costs associated with the furnace not reach $5,000, 30% of the installation cost can still be claimed and the difference between that amount and the $500 cap can be applied to any other qualifying improvements.

So whenever you are ready to move on and replace your good, old HVAC unit, give us a call. if you need a second opinion or bid, give us a call. We have the most competitive prices in town along with the best service and equipment. (818) 378-6508 or Toll Free (888)99-AIR-LA

Thank you,

Victor & Zulema Rosales

This information was taken from the Air Conditioning Contractors of America.

►The consumer gets a Manufacturer’s Certification Statement which certifies that the product or component qualifies for the tax credit.

►This information is for discussion purposes only and is general in nature. This information is not intended to be or considered as tax advice. Please consult with your tax professional to determine how these credits would apply in your own circumstances.


Air Conditioning Tune Up is as important as your Car Tune Up.

Dear Los Angeles,

Summer is here! Is your Air Conditioning system working properly? Don’t get the heat ruin your comfort! Get our SPECIAL AC TUNE UP for only $75.

Regularly, this tune up is priced at $100, but as part of this offer, our nice costumers can get it for only $75! You know how expensive replacing your air conditioning and furnace could be! Doesnt it make sense to protect your comfort investment for only $75.

Remember, a central air conditioning and furnace system is only as good as the maintenance you provide it. Just like your car you need tune it up on a regular basis so it will run properly when you really need it. To give you an idea, an air conditioner loses about 5% of its efficiency for every year it is running. This means that the 13 SEER units that you bought just a few years ago may be functioning like a 10 SEER unit today! The good news is that you can recover most of that lost efficiency through regular maintenance. Studies show that with regular tune-ups a unit will maintain up to 95% of its original efficiency. This means that the cost of having your unit serviced every year can be recovered very quickly in savings on your monthly electric bill and future repairs. How great is that?!

And if you schedule our SPECIAL AC TUNE UP for only $75 before July 31th, we also give you $30 towards future repairs! at the time of your tune up. How good is this?


1.-Adjust Thermostat calibration

2.- Clean or replace filters as needed (1” included)

3.- Check condenser pressure and refrigerant levels

4.- Check fan blades and fan motor

5.- Check and clean outdoor coil

6.- Check indoor coil

7.- Inspect service valves

8.-Examine temperatures differences in return and supply

9.- Check blower compartment

10.-Check primary and secondary drain lines

11.- Treat condensate drain with anti-algae, if needed

12. -Check secondary drain pan

13.- Monitor compressor for amperage, high/low voltage wiring

14.- Tighten all electrical connections

15.- Lubricate all moving parts where necessary

16.-Inspect disconnect box for proper rating and installation

17.- Examine contactors for burned and/or pitted contacts

18.- Examine capacitors

19.- Add up to 2 lbs of refrigerant , if necessary

So, act before JULY 31th, and get your $30 towards any REPAIR in your AC Heating comfort system, is that simple!

Call now to schedule your visit, we work evenings and weekends to accommodate your busy schedule.

Air 4 Seasons (818) 378-6508 or our toll free 1-888 AIR LA (1-888-99-247-52)

Thank you,

Zulema & Victor Rosales



It's spring...but Summer is around the corner, let's get ready!

Dear Los Angeles:

It is a simple fact that heating and air conditioning equipment that receives regular maintenance can save you up to 25% of the cost to heat and cool your home and eliminate costly repairs. Over 50% of our typical service calls were due to improper maintenance, or the lack of a regular tune up. That is why so many of our customer’s choose the comfort and piece of mind that comes along with our Preventive Maintenance Service (PMS) (call us for more info...you'll save!). We recommend you to try to have your heating and cooling systems tuned up in the fall and spring, respectively.

We have prepared this special promotion for you, you will get ready for the summer, and your AC will run smoothly and efficiently.

Air Conditioning Special $75 (reg $90)

► Test operating and safety controls

► Check and clean safety Controls

► Test thermostat operation

► Test thermostat calibration

► Test high limit/Safety

► Check all electrical connections

► Check condensate drain pan

► Check evaporator coil

► Monitor refrigerant level

► Check and clean air filter

So, call US now! and start saving

AIR 4 SEASONS HVAC (818) 378-6508

our use our toll free (888) 99 AIR-LA

Check this out,

Have a nice day!


Energy and Money Saving Tips: Asthma? Allergies? Clean your ducts!

Energy and Money Saving Tips: Asthma? Allergies? Clean your ducts!

Asthma? Allergies? Clean your ducts!

Dear Community,

The duct sytem is the collection of tubes that distributes the heated or cooled air to the various rooms of your house or business. At Air 4 Seasons we do recommend the cleaning of your duct systems because of many reasons including: low flow of air, smokers in the house, pets that shed high amounts of hair and dander, water contamination or damage to the home or to the air condition and heating system, residents with allergies and asthma who might benefit from a rAdd Imageeduction in the amount of indoor air pollutant, after home renovations or remodeling and prior to occupancy of a new home. Also, if you don’t remember ever having your duct system cleaned or if you haven’t within the past 2 years, it’s probably time.

Do you know that according to the U.S. Enviromental Agency (EPA), the air inside the average home is as much as 100 times more polluted than the air outside? Up to 90% of our time is spent indoors and much of that time is spent at home. Some homes may have as much as 5 to 15 lbs of dirt and debris circulating in their air ducts! Polluted air in your house can affect your and your family’s health. Do you have kids with asthma? nose bleeding? allergies? Cleaning your ducts will help them feel so much better.

Thank you and have a nice day!

Victor Rosales

(818) 378-6508



Energy and Money Saving Tips. The A4S Series .

Dear Community,

Air 4 Seasons Air Conditioning & Heating cares about your health, comfort and also your finances as a whole. There are some tips you should practice to help you become part of the green generation, saving energy and your hard earned money. Typically, 45% of your utility bill goes for heating and cooling. No matter what kind of heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning system you have in your house, you can save money and increase your comfort by properly maintaining and upgrading your equipment. But remember, an energy-efficient air conditioning and furnace alone will not have as great an impact on your energy bills as using the whole-house approach. By combining proper equipment maintenance and upgrades with appropriate insulation, air sealing, and thermostat settings, you can cut your energy use for heating and cooling, and reduce environmental emissions, from 20% to 50%

  • Have your heating and cooling systems tuned up in the fall and spring, respectively. Duct sealing can also improve the energy efficiency and overall performance of your system (warm-air furnace and central air conditioners). Need a coupon? go to www.air4seasons.com
  • Set your thermostat as low as is comfortable in the winter and as high as is comfortable in the summer.
  • Clean or replace filters on furnaces every three months or as needed.
  • Clean warm-air registers, baseboard heaters, and radiators as needed; make sure they're not blocked by furniture, carpeting, or drapes.
  • Bleed trapped air from hot-water radiators once or twice a season; if in doubt about how to perform this task, call a professional.
  • Turn off kitchen, bath, and other exhaust fans within 20 minutes after you are done cooking or bathing; when replacing exhaust fans, consider installing high-efficiency, low-noise models.
  • During the heating season, keep the draperies and shades on your south facing windows open during the day to allow the sunlight to enter your home and closed at night to reduce the chill you may feel from cold windows.
  • During the cooling season, keep the window coverings closed during the day to prevent solar gain.
  • Upgrade leaky windows. It may be time to replace them with energy-efficient models or to boost their efficiency with weatherstripping and storm windows.

Finally, if you need anything regarding your AC and Heating system, such as, repairs, replacements, service and maintenance, we are a call away and ready o serve you with professionalism, efficient equipment and above all, honesty.

Victor Rosales
(818) 378-6508